User-agent: * Allow: / Legal news, political opinion, Satire, and lawyer thinking by Tim Paynter, Attorney at Law: Paul Lopez, Denver City Council says undocumented workers contribute to the economy. We don’t want to push a difficult economy into a downward spiral!

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Paul Lopez, Denver City Council says undocumented workers contribute to the economy. We don’t want to push a difficult economy into a downward spiral!

  Immigrants contribute taxes  
the money goes into the
general fund for police 
protection and
other city services!

Says Paul Lopez, Denver City Councilman

On May 10th, 2010, the Denver City Council passed a proclamation in support of comprehensive immigration reform!  ( CIR asap ). 

The proposition was proposed and drafted by Denver City Councilman Paul Lopez.  After significant discussion, the Council passed the proclamation with only one dissenter, Councilwoman Jeannie Faatz, who represents a wealthy area of Denver.

Many people of Denver fear a radical push to follow the insanity which has befallen the citizens of Arizona with their HB 1070. 

That bill requires checking the immigration status of persons suspected of being in the state without appropriate documentation.  After hearing the Denver City Council, a move of that nature would not be supported by the majority of Denver voters!

Paul Lopez, Denver City Council

We are looking for more leadership from Paul Lopez, a dynamic and passionate advocate for human rights.  You can get details on many pressing immigration topics on Immigrants2bfree!  Lopez represents thriving District 3, which is a heavy Hispanic area.   

When undocumented workers are harassed or fear to travel across town it is only natural to see a drop in business revenues.  Business owners on South Federal Boulevard complain of a dramatic drop off in business. 

There is excess police pressure and ICE enforcement which has sent many clients out of the country and out of the tax base, or who are petrified to stray far from their homes.

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