User-agent: * Allow: / Legal news, political opinion, Satire, and lawyer thinking by Tim Paynter, Attorney at Law: 2011-01-30

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Friday, February 4, 2011

Democracia Ahora Launches News Letter + Pics From “Which Way Home”


Our friends from Democracia Ahora have been busy lately.  Their most recent effort is a newsletter detailing recent events in the immigrant community.  Please give it a try and pass it on if you like what you see.  We are one community, one people, no matter the race, fighting for basic freedom and human rights!

The following is the letter sent to immigrants2bfree by Democracia Ahora:

Dear Tim,

Democracia started off the new year with renewed energy--the new Democracia plans to be on the cutting edge of Latino issue advocacy with innovative programming, fresh messaging, and new ways in which you can help make a difference. 

Throughout the last year we heard from a lot of you who wanted to know more about the issues that affect the Latino community and about how Democracia champions the Latino agenda.  While we've answered every email and almost all requests, we thought a monthly newsletter that highlights our work and breaks down the issues would be a great way to keep you up to date and informed.
We are proud to offer you the first edition of Democracia's newsletter. 

Take a few minutes to check it out-this month's newsletter touches on the recent attempt to repeal Health Care Reform, Clear Air and Energy and Colorado's new law that mimics Arizona's SB1070.  And that's just for starters...

The newsletter will be shaped by you so please send your ideas, comments, questions and stories and we will do our best to incorporate each and every one.  In the meantime, please enjoy our inaugural edition and pass it on to your friends and family.  We look forward to hearing from you soon.





Our friends at Democracia, based in Florida, supported us in Arizona when the Phoenix 100 were arrested during an action of civil disobedience to protest implementation of the nastiest anti-immigration legislation in history, SB 1070Now, a version of SB 1070 even more pernicious than the one passed in Arizona is proposed for Florida.  Democracia has it’s hands full!  We wish them the best of luck in an epic battle for basic human rights.

Please pass this along to your friends.  Tell ‘em Uncle Tim and immigrants2bfree sent you!





Let Arizona pay for our protests, tell them hate costs, and so do protesters!

Please be sure to catch our review of “Which Way Home”, the story of undocumented children traveling the smuggler’s route north to the U.S.  It is a great program which will sure tug at your heart strings!  This would make a great double feature with Sin Nombre, a fictional story about a youth running from a gang on his way to the U.S.

Which Way Home is a movie about migrant children traveling alone on their way to the United States.  It is a great movie to show those who are unfamiliar with the sacrifices people make on their journey to the US. 

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“Flying”, no hands on top of the box car

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“Fito” from Honduras celebrating his independence and destiny with fate.

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At migrant shelter along the tracks.

which way home title

Title page, Which Way Home


Tim Paynter
