User-agent: * Allow: / Legal news, political opinion, Satire, and lawyer thinking by Tim Paynter, Attorney at Law: Free No on HB 1070 sticker – Lou Dobbs bashes immigrants, offers free stickers to protest Arizona HB 1070 and present the other side!

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Free No on HB 1070 sticker – Lou Dobbs bashes immigrants, offers free stickers to protest Arizona HB 1070 and present the other side!

Free No on SB 1070

bumper sticker!


No on HB 1070


If you think the racial profiling and anti-immigrant sentiment in Arizona is unjust then tell people how you feel!  We must spread the word to mainstream America about unjust treatment of immigrants and those who look like immigrants! is offering free bumper stickers to anyone who will display them.  The first one is free including mail.  Free.  Free.  Free.  You can also buy a package of bumper stickers for a nominal donation. 

What is important is to show the world we oppose the unjust acts in Arizona and won’t put up with like-kind laws spreading to other states!  Come join us.  You may be the one to convince the last vote needed for social change!

The bumper stickers are available through’s division.  They say: exists to advance the interests and promote the political empowerment of Latino communities with the support of our allies.”

They go on to say: “We know from history that lasting change only comes when ordinary people stand up and speak out. seeks to be a platform for the Latino community, and those who stand with us, to amplify our voices and fight for our collective concerns”
Lou Dobbs and other conservative media viciously bash undocumented workers and the contribution they make to U.S. society.  Rarely has the other side been told! says:

“Media personalities scapegoat us without consequences. And while the government raids the workplaces and even homes of recent immigrants, a blind-eye is turned to exploitative business practices that endanger the health and humanity of our people. The time for change has come.”

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