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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mayra Diaz Promises Arizona, a vision of brotherly love, freedom of speech and democracy!


When I look at my generation I can’t help but sigh in relief there is a future generation.  So many of the young people who have grown old with me have also grown ugly in the way they look at others.  At a time when America has more than enough, my generation seems to be filled with a continued desire to jam its coffers with greenbacks while denying others a chance at anything at all!


Enter the next gen!  After spending an exciting three weeks as a fellow with an organization called Promise Arizona, I have hope.  The organization is made up mostly of young people and they have a liberal point of view about inclusiveness.  That seems generous considering the exclusiveness so many who are my age are fond of sporting.  It was refreshing to work with people whose vision for the future is helping others and standing by the basic principles of democracy!



Mayra Diaz is one of those young people.  Trust me there are many more.  Mayra made sure to welcome me into the Promise Arizona family the first day she spotted me at their office.  In this interview, she speaks with her heart about ideas that are mature far beyond her time.  Some call it idealistic.  I think it is a dose of reality for which an America struggling to find its moral purpose would benefit from. 


Promise Arizona was created after the passage of SB 1070.  As activists protested in front of Governor Jan Brewer’s mansion, and later for 104 days in a vigil at the state capital, those who history forced into roles of leadership began to talk.


“We have found strength in our pain.” they said.  “Why not use that strength for a better Arizona?”


Soon enough, Promise Arizona was born, with the immediate mission to register as many of Arizona’s 670,000 eligible Latino voters as possible.  Mayra heard the call for action as have hundreds of people who see the grave injustice forced upon the immigrant community.  Sunday, a room packed full of future activists gathered to learn leadership skills and how to do voter registration.  Later that night, another bright star birthed from the injustice, rap artist Tomas Karmelo performed the song he and Deandra (DeDe) Gamez wrote at the vigil.


Michele Rudy of Promise Arizona says there are more opportunities to serve.  Come be part of history and join Mayra and the team create a new political landscape!


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