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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Gabriel Rhyne guilty of possession of stolen vehicle after selling to a cop, Chester thief cops a plea

Selling stolen equipment to the police is stupid, stupid, stupid!

Chester Man Pleads Guilty to Possessing Stolen Equipment

Gabriel Rhyne, of Chester, South Carolina, copped a plea in Federal court to possession of stolen equipment.

Rhyne acquired four pieces of heavy equipment by less than honest means. He then sold one of the pieces of equipment to a nice fellow. The problem is, the nice fellow’s wife is a Chester County deputy. It did not take the husband-wife team much time to figure out They were victims of a snake!
"Why go to federal prison for selling one stolen car?"
The problem most car thiefs never figure out is the percentages in stealing vehicles. Why go to federal prison for selling one stolen vehicle? That makes no sense. So the fools steal lots of vehicles. The more they steal the more chances they have of getting caught.  Eventually, almost all of them do come to Jesus in their own way.

I have never understood the mentality of a thief. The absolute lack of conscience, the disregard for suffering of others as a result of their actions, the risks associated with it, and most of all, the self esteem issues. I just don’t get it.
"in the end it all crashed in on him"

For example, Yuri David Melendez, the ring leader of a stolen truck gang, will have a lot of years to reflect about his actions. Maybe he got away with it for a short time, in the end it all crashed in on him. Was it worth it?

If you are one of those fools who thinks you will get away with grand theft auto, even though most guys don’t, then take a little hint. Don’t sell a stolen vehicle to a cop.

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